- Server Rule Update: Undermining the Spirit of the Game -> Unclaiming your core chunk to prevent raiding
- Added Item Mod: Ornamental Carnage
- Added Item Mod: Stormbreaker
- Item Mods: Atomic Detonate V (from Bone Grinder) summons a 9x9x9 block explosion
- Mask: Thanos Mask now negates Phoenix Feathers
- Bug Fix: Big Tims no longer negates non-offensive heroic pet abilities
- Bug Fix: Blackout no longer negates anti-mkit crystals
- Bug Fix: Nandaka and Akuma are both fully customisable.
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with a KOTH map with no border.
- 1 entry was not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
- Faction Size Update: Faction size has been reduced to a maximum of 20 players (without upgrade) and up to 30 players (with upgrade)
- /playtime Command: View your or another player's total playtime across the Cosmoverse
- Faction Relations Limitations: Faction relations limit has been reduced to 1 ally and 1 truce. You may purchase the Max Friendly Relations /f upgrade to increase this limit to 2.
- 6 entries were not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
- Custom Block /render: Custom Block rendering can now be altered via /render. Select between "Minimal" which swaps custom block textures with a minimal texture, and "Hidden" which disables rendering of custom blocks completely.
- Skrrt Pet no longer combat-tags the user.
- Skrrt Pet now has a 5 second global cooldown, similar to Feign Death Pet.
- Lootbox: Item Mod GALORE! A new lootbox is now live, consisting of new item mods and a new custom block. Purchase them via shop.cosmicpe.me!
- Bug Fix: Cursed Block Pet not working properly in /nether warzone.
- Bug Fix: Outpost Mask and Monopoly Mask not working in any outposts.
- Bug Fix: Phoenix Feather deducting twice (and in some instances not working) when receiving damage from two different sources.
- Bug Fix: Titan Attributes not leveling up to max level.
- Bug Fix: trinkets and soul enchantments processing even when having insufficient souls.
- Bug Fix: /ah sell now supports "k", "m", "b" suffixes.
- Bug Fix: /cmdalias limitation has been upped from 30 to 64 alias mappings.
- Bug Fix: Blackout now affects Anti-MKit crystals.
- Bug Fix: Collection Chests now open a form interface with "Sell Inventory", "Change Filter" buttons to speed up manually selling collection chest inventories.
- Bug Fix: Item Skins of different Armor Socket types can now be applied onto the same item at the same time.
- Bug Fix: Pile of Coal Custom Block now affects Armor Sockets as well.
- Bug Fix: Slot Bot now has an "Insert All" option at the bottom left.
- Bug Fix: "Spooky Aura" Cauldron Effect now sends a chat message to pet user when their pet ability is cancelled.
- Bug Fix: Vanilla and Trainee outposts no longer allow item mods.
- Added Custom Block: Enchanted Meteorite
- Added Item Mod: Amulet of Corruption
- Added Item Mod: Amulet of Destruction
- Added Item Mod: Bunny Slippers
- Added Item Mod: Chad Sunglasses
- Added Item Mod: Corrupt Cosmonaut Helmet
- Added Item Mod: Cowboy Boots
- Added Item Mod: Cursed Wings
- Added Item Mod: Ice Crown
- Added Item Mod: Neon Emotions
- Added Item Mod: Rainbow Backpack
- Added Item Mod: Santa Boots
- Added Item Mod: Soul Harvester
- Added Item Mod: Teddy Backpack
- Added Item Mod: 40K Gold Chain
- Added Item Mod: Amulet of Angels
- Added Item Mod: Blade of Love
- Added Item Mod: Deep Space Backpack
- Added Item Mod: Flaming Halo
- Added Item Mod: Divine Sash
- Added a confirmation screen when buying items from /quest shop.
- Added /cf historywith [page] to view coinflip history against a certain player.
- Added ability to place bounties on offline players.
- Added "Break and Place Dispensers" /f label.
- All faction members are now able to view faction upgrades, irrespective of the "Faction Upgrades" /f action permission.
- /citem, /cbrag, /bah and /jp are now usable in outposts.
- Cosmic Crate: SPRING 2021: The first Cosmic Crate of Lava Planet is out! Do /cc to check it out!
- Memory Chests have been updated to include every 2020 /cc.
- Coveted items like Admin Weapons, Lootboxes, Penta Masks etc have an increased chance to come up on /bah.
- Lootbox: After Party: is now live! Head to the Lootbox Merchant to check it out! shop.cosmicpe.me
- Added a wider range of items to the /bah loot table.
- Command Aliases: Cosmonauts, we've noticed you sacrifice your time and effort into something as silly as /shop splash_potion_healing_2 27, which you may now reduce to something as simple as /pots with the help of /cmdalias.
- In addition to displaying monster spawner value, running the /f chunk command now displays total custom block points along with a breakdown of it.
- Falling sand when broken no longer results in sand in the form of dropped items.
- Lootbox: No CC: The first Lootbox of Lava Planet is now out! Head to the Lootbox Merchant to check it out! shop.cosmicpe.me
- Faction Points: /f top is based off of faction points. All faction points are either earned or purchased. Faction points are protected by your "Core Chunk". For more information, visit https://discord.gg/JKzEkMgrg2 (#faction-points).
- /fund: Planetary funding is now based off of /f top faction points. Fund goals unlock when the cumulative faction points reach the goal requirement. In addition to it, goals feature an alternative age requirement where they are unlocked once the planet reaches a specific age.
- Titan Attributes: Titan Attributes are a heroic sword attachment, giving your weapon special abilities. They can be levelled up during a periodic Titan Altar event that happens in the /end. For more information, visit https://discord.gg/JKzEkMgrg2 (#titan-attributes).
- Premium Claims: Claims up to three chunks from the warzone are regarded as premium claims. Owning this claim requires paying a one-time premium fee. The closer the claim is to the warzone, the higher is the fee. For more information, visit https://discord.gg/JKzEkMgrg2 (#faction-claims).
- Added Crystal Golem Inventory Pet: A pet that increases the application chance of armor set crystals by up to 5%.
- Chunks that lie outside the world border are once again solid and empty.
- Auto Smelt, Detonate and Fuse work well together.
- Bedrock at 5 > Y > 0 in faction claims is no longer minable as it no longer generates.
- Pressure plates can no longer be stacked on top of one another.
- Monster spawners can once again be placed in claims close to warzone.
- Custom Blocks can once again be placed in claims close to warzone.
- Explosions now affect claims close to warzone.
- Faction Map highlights chunks not within the world border with dark grey color.
- Added "Core Chunk Breach", "Claim Land" and "Unclaim Land" faction log entry.
- Explosions will ONLY occur at Y <= 255 (previously, explosions could occur at Y > 255 if it happened mid-air).
- Added "Display Reputation Points" toggle in Cosmic Settings.
- Monster spawners and fat buckets will no longer despawn in lava.
- During server restarts, players will get transferred to the hub and be placed in a queue until server gets back online.
- Ability to toggle filters without selecting button from form using /filter [number]
- Ability to wear player heads (place and break old heads for this to work).
- 3 New Masks: Grave Digger, Death Wish, Holy.
- New "Disguise" scoreboard entry.
- "Auto set" property in /f label edit -> Manage Properties.
- 3 new Penta-Masks added to /bah.
- Two new Custom Blocks: Mini Snowman, Mini Christmas Tree.
- Hack Terminals now display the amount of time left required to extract enchants when sneaking and tapping the terminal.
- Guardians have a 1-2 hit delay when attacking.
- /sethome is now a configurable permission in /f label.
- Tap to pot for PE users.
- Enemy Enters claim and Neutral Enters claim added to faction logs.
- 1 entry was not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Maliciously Corrupt
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Bloody Deep Wounds
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Brutal Barbarian
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Unrestrained Enrage
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Holy Aegis
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Martyr Valor
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Nocturnal Insomnia
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Reality Inversion
- Added Heroic Enchantment: Permanent Execute
- Lootbox: Absolute Zero: A new Lootbox has been released into the Cosmoverse! Check it out!
- Lootbox: Bundle Up: A new Lootbox has released, featuring three new Custom Blocks: Jack O Lantern, Pet Incubator and Creeper Disruptor. Get your hands on it before it’s too late!
- Lootbox: New Year, No Me: A new Lootbox has released on shop.cosmicpe.me.