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  • Bug fix: Armor stands could be placed in enemy territories
  • Bug fix: Cursed block pet would not give back permanent buffs after 10s
  • Bug fix: Item /filter would not preserve upon rejoining server
  • Loot Tables: Added quad crystals to heroic envoys
  • Loot Tables: Removed double crystals from heroic envoys - triples and quads only from heroic envoys
  • Loot Tables: Added quad crystals (high drop chance) to KOTH Lootbag and Timeless Dragon
  • Loot Tables: Gave timeless dragon a high chance to drop monumental mystery crate
  • Loot Tables: Added double and triple armor crystals to godly chests
  • Loot Tables: Added crystal extractors to legendary and godly chests
  • Loot Tables: Added quad crystals to /bah
  • Loot Tables: Improved /end envoy loot
  • Loot Tables: Significantly reduced the chance of single item mods appearing on bah
  • Loot Tables: Resolved an issue with Perfect KADP DADY Armorset lootbox causing crystal lore to persist after crystal extractor had been used - for those affected please make a ticket
  • Combat: Reduced tick damage from various sources (incl. bleed and nature wrath)
  • Crystal: Buffed phantom armor Crystal to +12.5%
  • Discord Nitro: Added automatic distribution (and withdrawal) of nitro cape and lootbox to nitro boosters
  • Item Mod: Removed Inverted Knockback ability of Party Blade
  • Loot Tables: Reintroduced armor set crystals
  • Loot Tables: Improved heroic envoy loot
  • Loot Tables: Added double and triple (rarer) crystals to heroic envoys
  • Loot Tables: Gave triple crystals a slightly higher drop chance in KOTH Lootbag and Timeless Dragon
  • Loot Tables: Added single armor crystals to godly chests
  • Loot Tables: Gave timeless dragon a high chance to drop heroic envoy loot
  • Loot Tables: Gave KOTH Lootbag a high chance to drop heroic envoy loot
  • Loot Tables: Significantly Improved /bah loot
  • Loot Tables: Improved /end envoy loot.
  • Loot Tables: Re-introduced Amulet of Corruption into various loot tables.
  • Tinkerer: Re-introduced ability to tinker armor set pieces for 20% armor crystals
  • Extra Note: We are softly re-enabling crystals this map to examine their performance for their potential formal re-introduction next season.
  • Bug fix: Block outline would not be displayed when using creeper eggs and potatoes in other's claims
  • Bug fix: Envoys could not be broken
  • Combat: A sound is played when a holy white scroll negator (or the likes) procs
  • Duels: Players can now spectate ongoing duels using /duel spectate
  • Faction: All successful custom item interactions against blocks are now logged (incl. creeper egg and chunk busters)
  • Space Chest: Reworked animation to complete faster
  • Bug Fix: Creepers (from creeper eggs) would fall too fast
  • Bug Fix: Redstone dust obtained from uncrafting redstone blocks would not function correctly
  • Bug Fix: Yeti '50% Phoenix Feather Negation' would work against Abyssal stronghold capturers
  • Chunk Buster: A bypassable warning is shown when used in chunks with special blocks (previously, this warning was not bypassable)
  • Faction: /f focus arrow no longer appears over disguised players
  • Faction: Upon death, players cannot teleport back to raid claims for 15 seconds
  • Loot Tables: Added 2020 Halves to end envoys
  • Loot Tables: Added randomization scrolls to envoys and space chests.
  • Loot Tables: Increased 2020 /cc drop rate from Timeless Dragon
  • Loot Tables: Increased Rarity of 2019 Halves in Envoys and Space Chests
  • Loot Tables: Slightly buffed legendary/godly space chests & envoys
  • Monster Spawner: Ability to break spawners is disabled while under raid
  • Pressure Plate: Mechanism is now disabled in raid claims
  • Bug fix: Raid sessions were not properly triggered, causing players to use gen buckets in base claims whilst being raided
  • Bug fix: Repeaters would randomly stop functioning
  • Faction: Increased max faction power from 100 to 150 per player
  • Gen Bucket: Increased speed of sand gen buckets when used in raid claims
  • Redstone: Fixed bug causing repeaters to randomly stop functioning


  • /f chunk: spawner value breakdown is now shown (previously value breakdown by entity type was not shown)
  • /f potential: added command to list your faction's current spawner value and max potential spawner value
  • /f setwarp: passwords can now be set to warps using /f setwarp [password] - remember: commands are logged and exportable on-demand (do not use your actual account passwords!)
  • /f title: added back ability to assign titles to faction members (your titles will not appear to other factions in /f info)
  • /f top playtime: added command to list your factions members by most playtime
  • /f top spawnercontrib: added command to list your factions members by most spawner value contribution
  • /jackpot: raised the ticket cap - maximum purchasable tickets now scale by planet age (previously 1,000)
  • /perks: added command to list your unlocked (and locked) rank perks
  • /suicide: brought back ability to commit suicide (useful when in hostage situations)
  • /waypoint: players can now set multiple waypoints but have only 1 active at a time (previously only 1 waypoint was allowed)
  • Bug fix: cannoning inconsistencies occurred based on location of cannon and redstone wiring
  • Bug fix: redstone ticks were miscalculated in various situations
  • Faction: /f top is now based off spawner value alone
  • Faction: base claims will combat-tag players for 30s instead of 15s
  • Faction: claims >35 chunks away from core will automatically be considered a raid claim (previously all claims connected to core were considered base claim)
  • Faction: raid claims appear dark-green in /f map (previously green colored)
  • Faction: raid claims expire after 8 hours (previously 24 hours)
  • Faction: spawner value accrues over a 14 day period (previously value applied instantly)
  • Faction: spawner value accrues after grace period only
  • Grace: gen buckets and chunk busters will be disabled once grace is concluded - we will monitor this change and will provide an update in the future
  • Loot Pool: decreased rarity of heroic upgrades
  • Loot Pool: slightly increased rarity of (heroic) black scrolls
  • Loot Pool: slightly increased rarity of heroic armor sets
  • Loot Pool: limited sources of stellar stones and pebbles while locked on /milestone - you will still receive stones from Lootboxes and CC’s that have them
  • Loot Pool: removed explosive snowballs from various cosmic crates
  • Loot Pool: increased rarity of certain custom blocks
  • Loot Pool: slightly increased rarity of phoenix feathers
  • Loot Pool: slightly increased rarity of heroic pets
  • Loot Pool: slightly decreased rarity of pet eggs
  • Loot Pool: resolved some cosmic crates not giving items
  • Loot Pool: slightly scaled down end envoys
  • Loot Pool: added higher variety of items to end envoys
  • Loot Pool: slightly nerfed timeless dragon loot
  • Milestone: starting enchant limit increased to 7
  • Milestone: /end milestone unlocked on day 3
  • Milestone: ruins unlocked on day 14
  • Milestone: heroic envoys unlocked on day 21
  • Obsidian: Hand-placed obsidian requires a 5m period before becoming 4/4 durable (previously, obsidian instantly gained 4/4 durability on placement)
  • Redstone: introduced basic redstone comparator behaviour
  • Soul Gems: moving gems outside hotbar will not disable soul mode (previously soul mode would disable if gem was moved)
  • Spawner: max block stack size has been increased to 40 (previously 10)
  • Spawner: to make it easier to pickup dropped spawners, stack of spawners are dropped upon being broken (previously each spawner would drop individually instead as a stack)
  • /filldebug: /fill but outputs debug messages (to understand why /fill might have failed)
  • /shop: added ability to purchase inventory/stack from command (/shop tnt inv, /shop tnt stack)
  • Bug fix: /fill would sometimes not work
  • Bug fix: /f chunk resulted in a crash
  • Bug fix: Incorrect durability value was displayed in inventory when custom armorset models were equipped
  • Phoenix Feather: Death from falling in the void no longer activates feather
  • /bah: Reduced GUI switching/reopening by reusing same inventory
  • /bah: Removed ability to place bid using command /bah bid
  • /fill: Removed 64 dispenser max limit
  • /filter: Reduced GUI switching/reopening by reusing same inventory
  • /quest shop: Reduced GUI switching/reopening by reusing same inventory
  • /tinkerer menu is now reusable - it does not close after completing a trade
  • Bug fix: Absolute Domination would not negate armorset protective abilities
  • Bug fix: Bat /disguise would not be visible
  • Bug fix: Infinite Luck would not negate armorset protective abilities
  • Bug fix: Item Mod (Party Blade) would not invert knockback from Knockback enchantment
  • Faction Focus: /f focus now unfocuses previous target (/f unfocus is not needed)
  • Faction Log: /f ban and /f unban are now logged
  • Holy White Scroll: Items will no longer persist when loot gets teleported to the last attacked player during void damage
  • Interstellar Black Market: Reduced GUI switching/reopening by reusing same inventory
  • Inventory Pet: Pets on cooldown turn into wither skulls in player inventory
  • XP Bottles now support the quick-redeem server setting
  • Bug fix: Bleed effect (and other custom damage sources) resulted in reduced knockback
  • Bug fix: KOTH lootbag gave 2x '0x Air' upon closing after countdown to 0
  • Bug fix: Phantom armorset reduced incoming damage instead of increasing
  • Bug fix: Sweeper would sometimes fall from the spaceship into the warzone
  • Dimensional Traveler Armor Set no longer features 50% holy white scroll negation
  • Enchanted Books now display their Max Level in lore
  • Frozen stronghold perk is no longer restricted to /end
  • Gen buckets: added slabs and ice to /genbucket /shop
  • Milestone: Brought stellar-well requirement down to 8 days
  • Tweaked progression algorithm for faction points from bosses, envoys, and stronghold
  • Vengeance Mask perk is no longer restricted to /end
  • Added Chunk Busters - an innovation and convenient way to clear out chunks fast with no manual labour!
  • Added 4x Chunk Busters to Vote Lootbox
  • Reverse Layers are limited to 10 per base.
  • Sand walls need to be limited to one per chunk. A total of 20 in max buffer!
  • Added Mystery Lootbox II to bring previously unobtainable Lootboxes into the item pool.
  • Added Exotic Mystery Crate II to bring previously unobtainable 2021 /cc's into the item pool.
  • Revamped KOTH Lootbag.
  • Increased KOTH Lootbag Items to 10.
  • Removed KOTH Lootbag from all other loot tables and lootboxes.
  • Adjusted the rarity of various items with the intention of making them a bit more valuable throughout the map.
  • Added Monumental Mystery Crate. Includes 2022 /cc's onward.
  • Added a 3 day expiry to all Faction Point Notes.
  • Faction Points are no longer combinable.
  • Removed Heroic Dragon Slayer Upgrade from all Loot tables.
  • Increased drop rate of various items in Timeless Dragon loot pool.
  • Increased drop rate of various valuable items in higher tiered Space Chests and Envoys.
  • Adjusted the rarity of various items to make them more attainable throughout the map.
  • Added 3 new /duel maps: Sanctum of Dawnfire, Sanctum of Frozen Spires, Sanctum of Highland Peaks
  • Removed optional faction point requirement in /fund with the intention of making the map scaling less accelerated.
  • Renamed /fund to /milestone.
  • On claiming a faction land, players will be notified in chat about the type of claim (core, premium, base, or raid)
  • /f focus arrow now appears even through walls
  • /f showclaims now lists the type of claim (core, premium, base, or raid)
  • Removed /warp battlefield.
  • Heroic Envoys have been added to /milestone.
  • Heroic Envoy Boss now spawns at LMS
  • Heroic Envoys have been updated. Upon reaching Heroic Envoys /milestone, both /end and Warzone envoys will have a 5% chance to spawn a Heroic Envoy alongside them. In these scenarios, Heroic Envoy Chests will spawn in less quantity.
  • Heroic Envoy Boss will summon ONLY Heroic Envoys upon death.
  • /f unclaimall is now disabled after a period of 1 weeks (planet/age)
  • /f action: coleaders no longer by default have access to downloading logs, setting /f invite to open, /f rename, and /f label
  • /f action: removed permission for /f disband (only the leader may disband the faction)
  • If an enemy shoots a TNT in your faction's claim, the claim will be on 'Raid Status' for 15 minutes.
  • While on 'Raid Status' you cannot use Gen Buckets in that claim. Additionally, you cannot unclaim that claim either.
  • You may still place and break blocks in claims with an ongoing 'Raid Status'.
  • In lieu of our efforts to strengthen partnership initiatives, we're renaming Cosmo-Slot Bot to Cosmic Stellar Well.
  • Stellar Well Stones (previously Cosmo-Slot Bot Tickets) now expire after 3 days by default.
  • Do you run a service that drives mutual growth? We've opened a 'Partnership Application' section in #support on our Discord server!
  • We're reducing the pricing of Shards on our Webstore!
  • Shards (5x): 4.99 USD -> 3.49 USD (save $1.50)
  • Shards (10x): 8.99 USD -> 6.49 USD (save $2.50)
  • Shards (30x): 25.99 USD -> 20.99 USD (save $5.00)
  • Arcane Creepers now update nearby water blocks
  • Fixed bug: Infinite Luck IV does not negate Yijki ability
  • /f unclaimall now deducts 30 pct faction points upon execution, followed by increments of 4 pct every hour (30pct, 4pct, 8pct, 12pct, etc.)
  • Anti-TNT Forcefields are once again vulnerable to creeper explosions occurring outside water
  • Escapist Pearls no longer work in faction claims (except for premium claims)
  • Fixed bug: Ability to throw pearls during duel countdown
  • Fixed bug: Custom blocks and Mob Spawners broken underwater do not drop items in few situations
  • Fixed bug: Pearls could not be thrown when near the world border
  • Fixed bug: Placing ticket with an expiry date in /slot machine removes the expiry date
  • There will be no new Lootbox this week. The purchase limit on March 2024 has been reset as well as your /slot Meta Chance. The Lootbox intended to be released today can be viewed at the Lootbox Merchant at /spawn. Items are subject to change.
  • /near displays players sorted by distance.
  • Added Kurapika and Kurapika Manga capes. (@That1GreenGuy).- Core Chunk breaches are now broadcasted in public chat (use /stfu to toggle these messages).
  • Creeper explosions now break custom blocks and containers (chests, barrels, etc.) underwater (1-block blast radius).
  • Faction upgrades no longer yield faction points as a reward.
  • Fixed bug: Dispensers and Pistons change their facing direction a split-second after placement.
  • Fixed bug: Escapist Pearls did not mention their ability to phase through players.
  • Fixed bug: Item Mod (Corpse Grinder) +15% outgoing damage was effective against non-player entities.
  • Fixed bug: Piston heads were not visible when extended.
  • Reduced Yeti's attack speed bonus by 50%. We are still looking into buffing other armorsets and bringing them up to speed.
  • Added /currency - all your currencies in one place
  • Added compass bar (can be toggled through Cosmic /settings)
  • Fallen Heroes now de-spawn after 1m 30s of inactivity and are available in player's /collect
  • Item Mod custom textures have been disabled until further notice (while we work on tweaking the first-person swinging animation) ◈ Items dropped in void in /end will now always land on the closest surface instead of being consumed by void
  • Loot Tables: Chance of obtaining Cosmo-Slot Bot Ticket from various loot tables were reduced
  • Bug fix: Detonate enchantment sometimes breaks blocks in the wrong direction
  • Bug fix: KOTH rainbow armor rubber-bands when attempting to unequip
  • Bug fix: Jackpot double-counting winnings
  • 3 entries were not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.


  • Custom Kits (/ckits): Custom Kits are upgradable kits that allows you to unlock attributes which increase your chance at better items. This can include better Item Mods, enchantments, and much more! Visit the CosmicPE Dummies Guide to learn more about Custom Kits.
  • Duels: Cosmic Dueling is the test of skill against players to really show what you're made of in the PvP aspect of factions. Do you have what it takes to win in PvP battle against fierce competitors?
  • Enchantments: "Dimension Rift" no longer works in /end
  • Gen Buckets: Gen Buckets are advanced Cosmonaut building tools used to automatically generate specific blocks at a fixed rate and range to help establish bases at a faster pace.
  • Item Flip: Item Flip is identical to a traditional Coin Flip however instead of wagering money you can wager items! Are you ready to take the risk? Think the RNG gods are on your side? And no, it's not "rigged". You're just not lucky enough. Now zip it.
  • Logging Improvements: Added "Custom Block Action" faction log to track actions such as selling cosmic barrels, placing and taking item out of consecration altars, pet incubators etc.
  • Ocean Chunk Busteres: Ocean Busters are advanced Cosmonaut nuking tools used to obliterate entire chunks of water to save time and begin the trenching process sooner instead of manually removing water with sponges.
  • 8 entries were not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.


  • Server Rule Update: Undermining the Spirit of the Game -> Unclaiming your core chunk to prevent raiding
  • Added Item Mod: Ornamental Carnage
  • Added Item Mod: Stormbreaker
  • Item Mods: Atomic Detonate V (from Bone Grinder) summons a 9x9x9 block explosion
  • Mask: Thanos Mask now negates Phoenix Feathers
  • Bug Fix: Big Tims no longer negates non-offensive heroic pet abilities
  • Bug Fix: Blackout no longer negates anti-mkit crystals
  • Bug Fix: Nandaka and Akuma are both fully customisable.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with a KOTH map with no border.
  • 1 entry was not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
  • Faction Size Update: Faction size has been reduced to a maximum of 20 players (without upgrade) and up to 30 players (with upgrade)
  • /playtime Command: View your or another player's total playtime across the Cosmoverse
  • Faction Relations Limitations: Faction relations limit has been reduced to 1 ally and 1 truce. You may purchase the Max Friendly Relations /f upgrade to increase this limit to 2.
  • 6 entries were not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
  • Custom Block /render: Custom Block rendering can now be altered via /render. Select between "Minimal" which swaps custom block textures with a minimal texture, and "Hidden" which disables rendering of custom blocks completely.
  • Skrrt Pet no longer combat-tags the user.
  • Skrrt Pet now has a 5 second global cooldown, similar to Feign Death Pet.
  • Lootbox: Item Mod GALORE! A new lootbox is now live, consisting of new item mods and a new custom block. Purchase them via!
  • Bug Fix: Cursed Block Pet not working properly in /nether warzone.
  • Bug Fix: Outpost Mask and Monopoly Mask not working in any outposts.
  • Bug Fix: Phoenix Feather deducting twice (and in some instances not working) when receiving damage from two different sources.
  • Bug Fix: Titan Attributes not leveling up to max level.
  • Bug Fix: trinkets and soul enchantments processing even when having insufficient souls.
  • Bug Fix: /ah sell now supports "k", "m", "b" suffixes.
  • Bug Fix: /cmdalias limitation has been upped from 30 to 64 alias mappings.
  • Bug Fix: Blackout now affects Anti-MKit crystals.
  • Bug Fix: Collection Chests now open a form interface with "Sell Inventory", "Change Filter" buttons to speed up manually selling collection chest inventories.
  • Bug Fix: Item Skins of different Armor Socket types can now be applied onto the same item at the same time.
  • Bug Fix: Pile of Coal Custom Block now affects Armor Sockets as well.
  • Bug Fix: Slot Bot now has an "Insert All" option at the bottom left.
  • Bug Fix: "Spooky Aura" Cauldron Effect now sends a chat message to pet user when their pet ability is cancelled.
  • Bug Fix: Vanilla and Trainee outposts no longer allow item mods.
  • Added Custom Block: Enchanted Meteorite
  • Added Item Mod: Amulet of Corruption
  • Added Item Mod: Amulet of Destruction
  • Added Item Mod: Bunny Slippers
  • Added Item Mod: Chad Sunglasses
  • Added Item Mod: Corrupt Cosmonaut Helmet
  • Added Item Mod: Cowboy Boots
  • Added Item Mod: Cursed Wings
  • Added Item Mod: Ice Crown
  • Added Item Mod: Neon Emotions
  • Added Item Mod: Rainbow Backpack
  • Added Item Mod: Santa Boots
  • Added Item Mod: Soul Harvester
  • Added Item Mod: Teddy Backpack
  • Added Item Mod: 40K Gold Chain
  • Added Item Mod: Amulet of Angels
  • Added Item Mod: Blade of Love
  • Added Item Mod: Deep Space Backpack
  • Added Item Mod: Flaming Halo
  • Added Item Mod: Divine Sash
  • Added a confirmation screen when buying items from /quest shop.
  • Added /cf historywith [page] to view coinflip history against a certain player.
  • Added ability to place bounties on offline players.
  • Added "Break and Place Dispensers" /f label.
  • All faction members are now able to view faction upgrades, irrespective of the "Faction Upgrades" /f action permission.
  • /citem, /cbrag, /bah and /jp are now usable in outposts.
  • Cosmic Crate: SPRING 2021: The first Cosmic Crate of Lava Planet is out! Do /cc to check it out!
  • Memory Chests have been updated to include every 2020 /cc.
  • Coveted items like Admin Weapons, Lootboxes, Penta Masks etc have an increased chance to come up on /bah.
  • Lootbox: After Party: is now live! Head to the Lootbox Merchant to check it out!
  • Added a wider range of items to the /bah loot table.
  • Command Aliases: Cosmonauts, we've noticed you sacrifice your time and effort into something as silly as /shop splash_potion_healing_2 27, which you may now reduce to something as simple as /pots with the help of /cmdalias.
  • In addition to displaying monster spawner value, running the /f chunk command now displays total custom block points along with a breakdown of it.
  • Falling sand when broken no longer results in sand in the form of dropped items.
  • Lootbox: No CC: The first Lootbox of Lava Planet is now out! Head to the Lootbox Merchant to check it out!
  • Faction Points: /f top is based off of faction points. All faction points are either earned or purchased. Faction points are protected by your "Core Chunk". For more information, visit (#faction-points).
  • /fund: Planetary funding is now based off of /f top faction points. Fund goals unlock when the cumulative faction points reach the goal requirement. In addition to it, goals feature an alternative age requirement where they are unlocked once the planet reaches a specific age.
  • Titan Attributes: Titan Attributes are a heroic sword attachment, giving your weapon special abilities. They can be levelled up during a periodic Titan Altar event that happens in the /end. For more information, visit (#titan-attributes).
  • Premium Claims: Claims up to three chunks from the warzone are regarded as premium claims. Owning this claim requires paying a one-time premium fee. The closer the claim is to the warzone, the higher is the fee. For more information, visit (#faction-claims).
  • Added Crystal Golem Inventory Pet: A pet that increases the application chance of armor set crystals by up to 5%.
  • Chunks that lie outside the world border are once again solid and empty.
  • Auto Smelt, Detonate and Fuse work well together.
  • Bedrock at 5 > Y > 0 in faction claims is no longer minable as it no longer generates.
  • Pressure plates can no longer be stacked on top of one another.
  • Monster spawners can once again be placed in claims close to warzone.
  • Custom Blocks can once again be placed in claims close to warzone.
  • Explosions now affect claims close to warzone.
  • Faction Map highlights chunks not within the world border with dark grey color.
  • Added "Core Chunk Breach", "Claim Land" and "Unclaim Land" faction log entry.
  • Explosions will ONLY occur at Y <= 255 (previously, explosions could occur at Y > 255 if it happened mid-air).
  • Added "Display Reputation Points" toggle in Cosmic Settings.
  • Monster spawners and fat buckets will no longer despawn in lava.
  • During server restarts, players will get transferred to the hub and be placed in a queue until server gets back online.
  • Ability to toggle filters without selecting button from form using /filter [number]
  • Ability to wear player heads (place and break old heads for this to work).
  • 3 New Masks: Grave Digger, Death Wish, Holy.
  • New "Disguise" scoreboard entry.
  • "Auto set" property in /f label edit -> Manage Properties.
  • 3 new Penta-Masks added to /bah.
  • Two new Custom Blocks: Mini Snowman, Mini Christmas Tree.
  • Hack Terminals now display the amount of time left required to extract enchants when sneaking and tapping the terminal.
  • Guardians have a 1-2 hit delay when attacking.
  • /sethome is now a configurable permission in /f label.
  • Tap to pot for PE users.
  • Enemy Enters claim and Neutral Enters claim added to faction logs.
  • 1 entry was not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Maliciously Corrupt
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Bloody Deep Wounds
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Brutal Barbarian
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Unrestrained Enrage
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Holy Aegis
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Martyr Valor
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Nocturnal Insomnia
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Reality Inversion
  • Added Heroic Enchantment: Permanent Execute
  • Lootbox: Absolute Zero: A new Lootbox has been released into the Cosmoverse! Check it out!
  • Lootbox: Bundle Up: A new Lootbox has released, featuring three new Custom Blocks: Jack O Lantern, Pet Incubator and Creeper Disruptor. Get your hands on it before it’s too late!
  • Lootbox: New Year, No Me: A new Lootbox has released on


  • Grace Period, Bosses, and KOTH will all be disabled or re-enabled on the 26th Sept , 2PM EST.
  • Made some changes to liquids in hope to reduce lag. [TESTING PHASE]
  • Made some changes to entities in hope to reduce lag. [TESTING PHASE]
  • Fixed an issue at Hero Outpost where the Safezone region was incorrect.
  • /f assist can no longer be used in combat.
  • You can now use /echest properly.
  • /bah bidding increments were fixed.
  • Removed "Taxes Paid" from /cf stats as it displayed the incorrect info and cannot be tracked accurately.
  • Removed "Potion" phase from Yijki Boss as Health Potions were healing it instead of damaging.
  • Fixed an issue when applying Holy White Scrolls and the item's corruption,
  • Fixed an issue with some ranks having no /heal cooldown.
  • Godly Transmog Scroll: A new scroll which gives you the ability to customise the order of your enchants to your own liking.
  • Holy White Scroll: A new scroll which allows items to be kept after death. Be warned, Holy White Scrolls will not be applicable once the item has become corrupt.
  • Holy Water: Holy Water will essentially give you an extra life on any (semi-)corrupt gear or weapon of your choice!
  • Faction Power: Faction power has been changed to 40 per faction member. The maximum power loss is -20.
  • Faction Relations Limit: Each faction is now limited to having 3 truces and allies. There is also a 24H cooldown on retrucing someone that has been untruced.
  • Faction Reputation Points: Reputation points have been awarded to the top 10 factions of last season.
  • Faction Upgrades and Heroic Faction Upgrades: New faction upgrades have been introduced!
  • Reduce Insiding: When players in an ally/truce claim are kicked, they will be sent to spawn. Players can no longer create factions whilst in another faction claim.
  • /suicide and /back: Added limitation to reduce risk of insiding. Players can no longer use these commands, go to spawn, leave a faction and go back to their deathpoints.
  • Emotes (/emotes): All players will have access to list of default emotes (cool, cry, diamondhoe, facepalm, fire, fu*ku, gapple, heart, moneybag, thanosthonk, heisen). You can can upload your own emotes via /emoteupload. The number of emotes you can upload is limited by your rank. You can however obtain emote expansion (custom item) in-game to increase your emote slots.
  • /f focus: Focusing an enemy now renders a pink floating arrow above their head along with a bouncy text reading "** FOCUSING **".
  • Home Expansion: Max Home Increase expansion item has been added. This will allow you to increase the max number of /homes you can have regardless of your rank!
  • Player Heads: Player heads will now render their skin and display the death report while aimed at.
  • Showcase (/showcase): Show off the items you've obtained by placing them in your showcase. You can view other players' showcases via /showcase . Your showcase can be publicly viewed off-game on your profile page (
  • Showcase Expansion: Showcase expansion item has been added. Now you can increase the number of showcase slots you have regardless of your rank!
  • 9 entries were not displayed. Visit page to read the full changelog.