- There will be no new Lootbox this week. The purchase limit on March 2024 has been reset as well as your /slot Meta Chance. The Lootbox intended to be released today can be viewed at the Lootbox Merchant at /spawn. Items are subject to change.
- /near displays players sorted by distance.
- Added Kurapika and Kurapika Manga capes. (@That1GreenGuy).- Core Chunk breaches are now broadcasted in public chat (use /stfu to toggle these messages).
- Creeper explosions now break custom blocks and containers (chests, barrels, etc.) underwater (1-block blast radius).
- Faction upgrades no longer yield faction points as a reward.
- Fixed bug: Dispensers and Pistons change their facing direction a split-second after placement.
- Fixed bug: Escapist Pearls did not mention their ability to phase through players.
- Fixed bug: Item Mod (Corpse Grinder) +15% outgoing damage was effective against non-player entities.
- Fixed bug: Piston heads were not visible when extended.
- Reduced Yeti's attack speed bonus by 50%. We are still looking into buffing other armorsets and bringing them up to speed.