Booster Module

The Booster Module is essential to compress a cannon’s power, allowing for more efficient shooting and stronger explosions. It’s crucial for the cannon’s functionality and its distance coverage.
Begin by aligning your dispensers to dispense on a centered block (as shown in the image), there will be 3 pillars of dispensers that are each 7 dispensers high with 4 blocks below to create the platform of the cannon. Place the remaining 16 blocks as shown where there is a 2-block separation above and below the platforms.
Blocks Required
• 21 Dispensers
• 20 Blocks
Power Module

The Power Module is responsible for the total distance a cannon can fire. The more power you dispense, the farther your cannon will reach.
Follow the example given with blue terracotta to show block placement. Start by extending from the power module 7 blocks forward with the first block being the wall to separate both modules and the next 6 blocks to be a blueprint for the 6 pillars of dispensers on both sides. Afterwards, build the supporting platforms for the dispenser to rest on, following the example provided.

Finally, complete this module by placing in the 84 dispensers accordingly. It’s important to consider at this point the cannon should be symmetrical on both sides if not, then something is missing.
Blocks Required
• 96 Blocks
• 84 Dispensers
Nuker Module

The Nuker Module is the heart of a cannon. Which is responsible for the explosions that go through the base itself.
Start by placing a 6-block floor as indicated by the red blocks. The first pillar should be 7-blocks high on each side to separate the Nuker from the Power Module. Add ladders in the center of the pillars and place cobwebs in the next 5 blocks, where the TNT will land.
On both sides of the cobwebs, place blocks going 2 blocks up on each side to contain the TNT. This section is where the symmetry of the cannon ends, as the actual dispensing of the Nuker will differ. The pattern should be: dispenser, sticky piston, 1 block space, repeat this pattern to make 3 rows of dispensers and sticky pistons.

Next, rotate to the opposite side and place sticky pistons with redstone blocks facing downward. Ensure the redstone blocks activate the sticky pistons (not the dispensers). Use the image provided as a model.

Blocks Required
• 47 Blocks
• 15 Dispensers
• 15 Redstone Blocks
• 15 Sticky Pistons
• 7 Ladders
Redstone Wiring

Wiring of a cannon brings the entire construction to life. Bringing the integration needed for the individual modules to work as one.
Redstone is all about symmetry and repetition. Whatever you do on one side of the cannon, repeat it on the other. For the Booster and Power Modules, wire the redstone symmetrically, with no changes to the repeater timings. Make sure to include 2 blocks that will serve as redstone connection between the lower and upper half with a button to activate the cannon.

For the Nuker, start by placing 1 piece of redstone to connect the Power Module. Then, place 2 repeaters at max ticks. Fill in the remaining spaces with 2 redstone torches, followed by redstone and additional repeaters. Pay close attention to the timing, incorrect timing may cause the cannon to misfire and possibly blow up.

Blocks Required
• 46 Redstone Dust
• 46 Redstone Repeaters
• 2 Redstone Torches
• 2 Blocks
• 1 Button
Water provides protection against the explosions that’ll occur from the booster & power as the cannon is firing.

Place 1 water bucket in the highlighted white box at the floor of the Booster Module. This will provide water protection for the Power Module up to the ladders separating the Nuker from the Power.
Blocks Required
• 1 Water Bucket