- The punishments for Toxicity, Spamming, Advertising, Sexually Inappropriate Material, and Inappropriate Labels will be increased to a 5 DAY ban upon receiving the 2ND WARNING.
- This means you will only ever receive one warning. The second violation will result in a ban.
- This change has been made because recently many individuals have been exploiting the rules by taking advantage of the leniency.
- This was done by deliberately violating the rules in order to receive warnings from our staff and get kicked from the server to essentially avoid being killed in derps.
- We will be making more changes in the future but for now that is all. If you think it is appropriate and justifiable to undermine our rules you are mistaken.
- One individual thought it was appropriate to openly spam racist messages to receive a warning and avoid being killed. They are now permanently banned for taking advantage of our leniency. Don't be this person. If you are going to behave in such a racist and disgusting manner you are not welcome here. YOU. ARE. NOT. WELCOME. TO. THIS. COMMUNITY. LEAVE.
- On a separate note, another change was also made to the rule regarding Trapping.
- The space a player is entitled to has been changed. Players are now entitled to an area of 3 blocks in height and 1 block in width (``3×1 area``).
- This change has been made to compensate for the anti-phase since many players have been getting stuck when pistons push blocks overhead.
- This means the pistons must be located at least 2 blocks above the players head.
- You must now adjust your pistons to be in line with this rule.