CosmicPE has custom armor properties, allowing players to enhance their gameplay with powerful, enchanted gear tailored to different combat styles.
Heroic Armor

Heroic Armor is a special type of armor that is stronger than diamond. Heroic Armor can be both specialty and non-specialty. Diamond Armor, both specialty and non-specialty, can be upgraded to its heroic counterpart using a Heroic Upgrade ().
Heroic Armor for both special and non-specialty sets will appear as red colored leather armor, with weapons appearing as golden swords () or axes (
). Each specialty set has it's own distincive colour when in the heroic variant.
Special Sets
“Special Sets”, more commonly known as “Armor Sets”, are full sets of unique gear that provide various different attributes to the user. Special Sets can be both heroic and diamond. All for armor pieces must be worn in order for bonuses to apply.
There are 11 special sets on CosmicPE:

Ancient Armor Set Bonus:
- +35% Outgoing Damage
- +10% Outgoing Damage from Soul Enchants
- -15% Incoming Damage
- -50% Knockback
- Auto Bless
- Leviathan's Curse Ability
Auto Bless: /bless
is executed automatically every 10s.
Leviathan's Curse: Deal +x% more outgoing damage for x seconds.
Dimensional Traveler
Dragon Slayer

Dragon Slayer Armor Set Bonus:
- +15% Outgoing Damage
- *-15% Incoming Damage
- Immune to Freezes
- Mastery Enchant Reflect X
- Negate 75% of Enemy Silence
- +25% Mastery Enchant Negation

Engineer Armor Set Bonus:
Enginner Hammer Bonus:
- +15% Outgoing Damage
- +10% Incoming Damage
- +20% B-2 Bomber Ability
- Immune to World Destroyer Pet
- Immune to Shockwave, Obliterate, Guardians

Ranger Armor Set Bonus:
- -25% Damage from Enemy Bows
- +50% Increased Bow Damage with Ranger Bow
- Immune to Teleblock
- Gears IV
Ranger Weapon Bonus:
- Up to 50% increased bow damage scaled over distance.
- +33% Bidirectional Teleportation Distance
- -25% Incoming Damage from Enemy Bows

Supreme Armor Set Bonus:
- Gears IV
- Divine Enlighted III
- No Fall Damage / Food Loss
- +15% Outgoing Damage
- +10% Incoming Damage from Enemy Bows
- 20% Chance to Equip Item Mod: Boosted Chainsaw or Keg
Supreme Fanny Pack Bonus:
- +20% Outgoing Damage
- -10% Incoming Damage

Yeti Armor Set Bonus:
- +10% Outgoing Damage
- -10% Incoming Damage
- Permafrost VI
- 50% Phoenix Feather Negation
- Immune to Freezes
Yeti Maul Bonus:
- +7.5% Outgoing Durability Damage
- +7.5% Outgoing Damage
- Bypass 50% of Heroic Armor
- Chance to Silence enemy
and/fix all
within a 7x7 radius for 5s. - 10% Sugar Burst Ability Chance

Yijki Armor Set Bonus:
- -35% Incoming Damage
- Revenge of Yijki Passive Ability
Yijki's World Ender Bonus:
- +20% Outgoing Damage
- +25% Revenge of Yijki Ability
- Immune to Rot and Decay
Revenge of Yijki: