Enchanting is a method to upgrade weapons and armorpieces. Abilities from enchantments include combat perks, status effects, resource collection enhancements, and other utility benefits. CosmicPE features both—traditional vanilla enchantments and custom enchantments. Enchantment tables can be used to obtain and apply vanilla enchantments.
Custom enchantments
Custom enchantments can be applied only by obtaining custom enchanted books. Custom enchantments are categorized into tiers (or rarity). There are 5 primary tiers—Simple, Unique, Elite, Ultimate, and Legendary, and 3 special tiers—Soul, Heroic, and Mastery.
- Primary-tier enchantments can directly be applied onto items and will be applicable right away. Most enchantments fall in this category.
- Soul enchantments are applicable right away, but cost souls for their activation. Players will need enough soul gems in their inventory for the enchantment to process.
- Heroic enchantments are improved variants of specific primary-tier enchantments (e.g., 'Deadly Disarmor' is a heroic variant of the legendary enchantment—'Disarmor'). A weapon must have the maximum level of a primary-tier enchantment before the respective heroic enchantment can be applied.
- Mastery enchantments, like primary-tier enchantments, do not have any special applicability rules. However, they will restrict your ability to customize the item in some ways. Armorset crystals cannot be applied onto items with mastery enchantments.

The primary way to gather custom enchantments is by obtaining enchantment books from the Enchanter. Right-clicking redeems the enchantment book and gives a randomized enchanted book for the tier with a random level, success rate, and destroy rate. Enchanted books are color-coded based on their rarity tier.
Success rate determines the chance of a book successfully applying, while the destroy rate is the chance the equipment will be destroyed upon failed application. In the event an item having masks or item mods attached is destroyed, they will be retained and given back to player in their /collect
inventory. Special-tier enchantment books can be obtained by participating in events. Events also reward players with pre-enchanted weapons and armorpieces, magic dusts, alchemy shards, and randomization scrolls.
Enchantments on an item can be upgraded by applying an enchantment book with an enchantment with a superior level. Applying a heroic enchantment onto an item removes the respective primary-tier enchantment from the item. If a book has unviable success or destroy rates, players may choose to trade it with the Tinkerer in exchange for secret dust.
Utility items
In the event you obtain a book with a bad configuration, you may choose to apply a few utility items as an alternative to the otherwise costly alchemy and tinker process. Utility items can be obtained by participating in various events.
- Alchemy Shard
- Applying this shard onto a special-tier enchanted book allows the Alchemist to combine books.
- Black Scroll
- Removes a random enchantment from an item and converts it into an enchanted book.
- Enchantment Orb
- Increases the amount of applicable enchants on armorpieces (Armor Enchantment Orb) or weapons (Weapon Enchantment Orb).
- Magic Dust
- Also known as Primal Dust if rate is ≥10%
- Apply onto an enchanted book to increase their success rate by a pre-set %.
- Mastery Shard
- Enchanted books cannot be applied on mastery kits. Applying this shard onto an enchanted book lifts the restriction.
- Randomization Scroll
- Apply onto an enchanted book to reroll the success and destroy rates.
- Transmog Scroll
- Organizes enchantments by rarity and adds a lore count (e.g.,
) to item name.
- White Scroll
- To protect an item from being destroyed during book application, apply a white scroll onto the item. This protects the item from the next failed book application by consuming the scroll instead of destroying the item.
Every enchantment book is applicable to certain types of items (e.g., bow, axe, sword, helmet, etc.). However, it is possible to obtain weapons from loot tables that have otherwise illegal enchantments on them (e.g., a sword with an axe-only enchantment). Lower ranks have a low applicable and usable custom enchantments limit. Enchantments on an item cannot be downgraded or doubled.
Available enchantments
Name | Description | |
Name | Description | |
Absolute Domination | Negates a % of enemy armor set bonuses that reduce incoming damage up to 50% of the damage negation value, based on level. | |
Aegis | If you are taking damage from more than (8-level) enemies in a short period, the damage from any additional players beyond that initial group will be halved. | |
Alien Implants | Automatically heal 2x the HP of normal Implants at 2x the rate, and at max level all hunger loss is disabled. | |
Angelic | Heals health over time whenever damaged, this enchantment IS stackable in terms of activation chance; however you can only have 1 active healing task from Angelic at any given time. | |
Anti Gank | If more than (6-level) enemies hit you in a short period, your outgoing damage will be multiplied by up to 1.5x depending on the amount of enemies nearby. | |
Anti Gravity | Super jump but does not negate fall damage. | |
Anti Nether | Disable the ability to travel through nether portals. de-activating them instead. | |
Aquatic | Gives permanent water breathing. | |
Armored | Decreases damage from enemy swords by 1.85% per level, this enchantment is stackable. | |
Arrow Break | Chance for arrows to bounce off and do no damage to you whenever you are wielding an axe with this enchantment on it. | |
Arrow Deflect | Prevents you from being damaged by enemy arrows more often than once every level x 400 milliseconds. | |
Arrow Lifesteal | A chance to steal health from opponent while fighting. | |
Assassin | The closer you are to your enemy, the more damage you deal (up to 1.25x). However, if you are more than 2 blocks away, you will deal LESS damage than normal. | |
Atomic Detonate | Summons up to a 7x7x7 explosion around any block you break. | |
Auto Sell | Automatically sells all blocks broken by your pickaxe for /shop value. | |
Auto Smelt | Ores are automatically smelted when mined. | |
Avenging Angel | Heal to full HP when an ally dies within upto 100 blocks of your location and receive absorption hearts for up to 10 seconds. | |
Barbarian | Multiplies damage against players who are wielding an AXE at the time they are hit. | |
Berserk | A chance of strength and mining fatigue. | |
Bewitched Hex | Once a target is afflicted with Bewitched Hex, a portion of all outgoing damage is reflected back onto them for up to 8 seconds. | |
Bidirectional Teleportation | Chance to grapple an enemy towards you, or trap them for 1-2s. Functions like regular teleportation when you hit an truce, ally or faction member. | |
Bitter Overwhelm | Chance to disable enemy's ability to inflict Reflective Block on you for 6s with every hit. Upon disabling, you will deal +level% Outgoing Damage. | |
Blackout | Chance to disable your enemy's armor crystals for a brief period of time. | |
Blacksmith | Chance to heal your most damaged piece of armor by 1-2 durability whenever you hit a player, but when it procs your attack will only deal 50% of the normal damage. | |
Bleed | Applies bleed stacks to enemies that decrease their movement speed. Use in combination with Devour and Blood Lust. | |
Blessed | A chance of removing debuffs. | |
Blind | A chance of causing blindness when attacking. | |
Block | A chance to increase damage and redirect an attack. | |
Blood Link | A chance to heal you for 1-2hp whenever your Guardians take damage. | |
Blood Lust | A chance to heal you whenever an enemy player within 7x7 blocks is damaged by the Bleed enchantment. | |
Bloody Deep Wounds | Increases the chance of you giving the bleed effect, and significantly increases outgoing damage based on the number of Bleed stacks your enemy has. | |
Boss Slayer | Deal an extra (level * 5)% base damage to bosses. | |
Brutal Barbarian | Significantly multiplies damage against players who are wielding an AXE at the time they are hit. | |
Cactus | Injures your attacker but does not affect your durability. | |
Chain Lifesteal | A chance to regain health from multiple enemies near your damaged target based on level. | |
Clarity | Immune to Blindness up to level of clarity enchantment. | |
Cleave | Damages players within a radius that increases with the level of enchant. | |
Combat Medic | Chance to remove a bleed stack when your Bleed enchant procs. | |
Commander | Nearby allies are given haste. | |
Confusion | A chance to deal nausea to your victim. | |
Corrupt | Deals damage overtime to enemy players, unless enemy has Inversion. If enemy player has Inversion, strikes that would normally heal them from Inversion will damage them instead. | |
Cowification | Shoots exploding cows. | |
Creeper Armor | Immune to explosive damage, at higher levels you take no knockback from them and they have a chance to heal you. | |
Curse | Gives strength, slowness and resistance at low hp. | |
Custom Creeper Armor | Immune to explosive damage, at higher levels you take no knockback from them and a chance to ignore enemy custom creeper damage (at level 3, you are 100% immune). | |
Deadly Disarmor | Chance to bypass enemy Sticky enchant and unequip a random mask or an armorpiece an enemy has equipped. | |
Death Coffin | Any damage dealt to enemy players under 33% HP applies to all enemies within (level) blocks of target. | |
Death God | Attacks that bring your HP to (level+4) hearts or lower have a chance to heal you for (level+5) hearts instead. | |
Death Pact | Take less damage for every 10% of missing HP, while also dealing slightly less damage (based on level). | |
Deathbringer | Chance to deal double damage. | |
Decapitation | Victims have a chance of dropping their head on death. | |
Deep Bleed | Enemies affected by Deep Bleed are slowed up to 200% more, take more damage, and heal allied players with Blood Lust for up to 200% more. | |
Deep Wounds | Increases the chance of you giving the bleed effect. | |
Demonforged | Increases durability loss on your enemy's armor. | |
Demonic Gateway | Behold the power! Ender Crystals spawn surrounding you targeting all nearby foes! Devastating witherheads will be flung towards them delivering 1 of 3 possible outcomes on impact:
Trap - Forcing you for a moment to be completely grounded to one spot Dealing damage pure and raw Knocking your enemies back if they are too close to the crystals | |
Demonic Lifesteal | Heals much more HP at a greatly increased rate compared to normal Lifesteal. | |
Destruction | Automatically damages and debuffs all nearby enemies. | |
Detonate | Summons up to a 3x3x3 explosion around any blocks you break. | |
Devour | Multiplies damage dealt to players with active bleed stacks from the Bleed enchantment. | |
Dimension Rift | Chance to turn blocks underneath target to soul sand, and possibly webs ontop. | |
Diminish | When this effect procs, the next attack dealt to you cannot deal more than the (total amount of damage / 2) you took from the previous attack. (i.e. if you're damaged for 2HP, the next attack cannot deal more than 1HP of damage.) | |
Disarmor | A slight chance of removing one piece of armor from your enemy. | |
Discombobulate | Spoofs your distance and hides your name on all enemy and neutral /near lookups. | |
Disintegrate | Chance to deal double durability damage to all enemy armor with every attack. | |
Divine Enlighted | High chance of healing lots of HP while taking damage. | |
Divine Immolation | Active soul enchant. Your weapons are imbued with divine fire, turning all your physical attacks into Area of Effect spells and igniting divine fire upon all nearby enemies. | |
Divine Light | When you are inflicted with the Blackout effect, instead of disabling your defensive armor crystal bonuses for a brief period of time, all enemies you hit have a chance (up to 100% at max level) to disable theirs instead. | |
Dodge | Chance to dodge physical enemy attacks, increased chance if sneaking. | |
Dominate | Chance to weaken enemy players on hit, causing them to deal (level x 5%) less damage for (level x 2) seconds. | |
Double Strike | A chance to attack twice in one swing. All your enchantments can re-proc on this second attack, and it occurs instantly. | |
Drunk | Slowness and slow swinging with a chance to give buffed strength. | |
Eagle Eye | Chance to deal 1-4 durability damage to ALL armor pieces of enemy player. The # of durability damage dealt is based on how far of a bow shot you hit them with. The further away, the more durability damage. | |
Enchant Reflect | Chance to cause enemy offensive enchants up to Legendary (up to level) to proc on themselves instead of you. | |
Ender Shift | Gives a speed/health boost at low hp. | |
Ender Walker | Wither and Poison do not injure and have a chance to heal at high levels. | |
Enlighted | Can heal hearts while taking damage. | |
Enrage | The lower your HP is, the more damage you deal. | |
Epidemic Carrier | When near death summons powerful Stun Creepers to avenge you. | |
Ethereal Dodge | Increased proc rate over normal Dodge, with a small chance to gain Speed V for a few seconds on successful dodge. All fall damage is disabled. | |
Execute | Damage buff when your target is at low hp. | |
Experience | Gives more exp when mining blocks. | |
Explosive | Explosive arrows. | |
Explosive Expert | Allows Atomic Detonate to work on all block types for pickaxes, spades, and axes irregardless of the tool being used. | |
Exterminator | Temporarily disable your enemies Undead Ruse Zombies, Guardians, and Spirits from spawning. | |
Extreme Insanity | You swing your axe like a maniac. Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a SWORD at the time they are hit. | |
Farcast | Chance to knockback melee attackers by a couple of blocks when they hit you. The lower your health, the higher the chance to proc. | |
Featherweight | A chance to give a burst of haste. | |
Feign Death | Chance to fake death and vanish for up to 6 seconds, or until you have damaged a player (levelx) times | |
Frozen | Can cause slowness when attacked. | |
Fuse | Allows Auto Smelt to apply to blocks destroyed by the Detonate enchantment. | |
Gears | Added speed when equipped. | |
Ghost | Invisible to /near lookups while in friendly territory depending on level of enchantment. | |
Ghostly Ghost | Invisible to all /near lookups when outside of a certain range depending on the enchantment level.
Level 1: 25 blocks Level 2: 50 blocks Level 3: 100 blocks | |
Glowing | Gives permanent night vision. | |
Godly Overload | A very large permanent increase in hearts. | |
Greatsword | Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a BOW at the time they are hit. | |
Guardians | Chance to spawn iron golems to assist you and watch over you. | |
Guided Rocket Escape | Blast off into the air and briefly gain flight for (level x 1s). | |
Hardened | Armor takes less durability damage. | |
Haste | Allows you to swing your tools faster. | |
Headless | Victims have a chance of dropping their head on death. | |
Healing | Heals friendly players hit with arrow shot by this bow. Also has a chance to increase durability of armor and give absorption/health boost. | |
Heavy | Decreases damage from enemy bows by 2% per level, this enchantment is stackable. | |
Hellfire | All arrows shot by you turn into explosive fireballs. | |
Hero Killer | Deal (Level x 5%) more damage to players wearing heroic armor. | |
Heroic Enchant Reflect | Chance to cause enemy offensive enchants up to heroic (up to level) to proc on themselves instead of you. | |
Hex | Once a target is affected by Hex, a portion of all their outgoing damage is reflected back onto them for up to 4 seconds. | |
Hijack | Chance to convert summoned enemy Guardians into your own when they are shot with an arrow. | |
Holy Aegis | If you are taking damage from more than 1 enemy in a short period, the damage from additional enemy players beyond that initial enemy will be decreased based on the number of additional enemies damaging you. | |
Horrify | Chance to inflict enemies within a 32x32 radius with 'Horror', confusing them and enabling friendly fire for up to 4 seconds. | |
Ice Aspect | A chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy. | |
Immortal | A passive soul enchant that prevents your armor from taking durability damage in exchange for souls. | |
Implants | Passively heals +1 health and restores +1 hunger every few seconds. | |
Infernal | Explosive fire effect. | |
Infinite Luck | Negates incoming Specialty Armor Set Bonuses depending on enchantment level.
Level 1 - Ranger, Yeti (including bonuses from the Ranger bow) Level 2 - Supreme Level 3 - Phantom Level 4 - Mother of Yijki (including the Revenge of Yijki passive ability) Level 5 - Dimensional Traveler (including the passive Traveler ability) | |
Inquisitive | Increases EXP drops from mobs. | |
Insanity | You swing your axe like a maniac. Multiplies damage against players who are wielding a SWORD at the time they are hit. | |
Insomnia | Gives slowness, slow swinging and confusion. | |
Inversion | Damage dealt to you has a % chance to be blocked and heal you for 1-3 HP instead. | |
Kill Aura | Chance to kill multiple monsters in a stack each death event. | |
Lava Strider | Depth Strider, but for Lava. | |
Leadership | The more allies near you, the more damage you deal. | |
Lethal Sniper | Headshots by projectiles have a high chance to deal atleast 3.5x damage up to 4.0x. | |
Lifebloom | Completely heals allies and truces on your death. | |
Lifesteal | A chance to regain health when attacking. | |
Lightning | A chance to strike lightning where you strike. | |
Longbow | Greatly increases damage dealt to enemy players that have a bow in their hands. | |
Lucky | You will find yourself more lucky in all Cosmic situations. | |
Maliciously Corrupt | In addition to an amplified version of the effects of Corrupt, enemies maliciously corrupt will experience Block enchantment proc 20% less often. | |
Mark of the Beast | Once an enemy is afflicted with the mark, all incoming damage is increased by 2x for up to 5 seconds. | |
Marksman | Increases damage dealt with bows, this enchantment is stackable. | |
Martyr Valor | Reduces incoming damage while wielding a sword by up to 36%. This enchantment is stackable. | |
Master Blacksmith | Chance to heal your most damage piece of armor by 2-3 durability whenever you hit a player, but when it procs your attack will only deal 75-100% of the normal damage. | |
Master Inquisitive | Massively increases EXP drops from mobs. | |
Mega Heavy | Decreases damage from enemy bows by 10% plus an additional 2% per level! This enchantment is also stackable. | |
Metaphysical | A chance to resist the slowness given by enemy Trap, Snare, and Pummel enchantments. At max level, you will only be affected approx. 10% of the time. | |
Mighty Cactus | +50% chance per level to negate all Thorns enchantment damage. | |
Mighty Cleave | Deals up to 8 damage in up to a 4.25 block radius. | |
Molten | Chance of setting your attacker ablaze. | |
Mortal Coil | Outgoing damage has up to a 7.5% chance to weaken or disable health increasing enchantments (Overload) for the target for up to 4 seconds (based on level). | |
Nature Wrath | A passive soul enchantment that can temporarily freeze all enemies in a massive area around you, pushing them back and dealing massive nature damage. | |
Neutralize | Negate all enemy defensive enchantment's for on the damage event that neutralize activates for. This effect can stack with silence. | |
Nimble | Increases mcMMO XP gained in Acrobatics while equipped. | |
Nocturnal Insomnia | Gives self slow digging, but in exchange has a chance to deal bonus damage while afflicted. Nerfs all enemy Lifesteal effects by up to 30%. | |
Nutrition | 1.2-2x normal hunger replenishment, allows you to eat more golden apples before contracting Golden Apple Sickness. | |
Obliterate | Extreme knockback. | |
Obsidian Destroyer | Instantly break obsidian blocks. | |
Obsidian Guardians | Chance to spawn powerful iron golems with an AoE effect that upon receiving damage pulls nearby enemies towards the caster (if within 8 blocks) or towards the golem, and inflicting the enemy with slowness for 2s, dealing more damage and a chance to trap them. | |
Obsidianshield | Gives permanent fire resistance. | |
Opening Combo | Deal +(2 * level)% Outgoing Damage for 5 seconds when entering combat. This effect has a 60 second cooldown between procs. | |
Overload | Permanent increase in hearts. | |
Overwhelm | Chance to disable enemy's ability to inflict Reflective Block on you for 6s with every hit. | |
Oxygenate | Refills oxygen levels when breaking blocks under water. | |
Pacify | A chance to pacify your target, preventing them from building rage stacks for 1-3 seconds depending on level. | |
Paladin Armored | Stackable Enchantment. Negates 150% more enemy sword damage than normal Armored per level. A chance to be Blessed every time you are struck by an enemy sword. | |
Paradox | Heals all nearby allies in a massive area around you for a portion of all damage dealt to you. | |
Paralyze | Gives lightning effect and a chance for slowness and slow swinging. Also inflicts direct damage on proc. | |
Perfect Solitude | Increases chance and length of the Silence enchantment procing on enemy players by up to 6X. | |
Permafrost | A chance to transform nearby blocks into snow and ice when damaged, reducing your incoming damage while standing on the blocks and causing fatigue in the attacker (based on level). | |
Permanent Execute | Amplified version of Execute, deal even more bonus damage when your target is <6HP. | |
Phoenix | Passive soul enchantment. An attack that would normally kill you will instead heal you to full HP. Can only be activated once every couple minutes. | |
Piercing | Inflicts more damage. | |
Plague Carrier | When near death summons creepers and debuffs to avenge you. | |
Planetary Deathbringer | An increased chance to deal 2.5x damage. | |
Poison | A chance of giving the poison effect. | |
Poisoned | Chance to give poison to your attacker. | |
Poltergeist | Immune to Nature's Wrath snare, a chance to negate Dimensional Traveler and Mother of Yijki stun and damage from set abilities. Also negates all fall damage. | |
Polymorphic Metaphysical | A chance to resist the slowness given by enemy Trap, Snare, Pummel, and Ice Aspect enchantments. At max level, you will only be affected approx. 10% of the time. | |
Protection | Automatically heals and buffs all nearby faction allies. | |
Pummel | Chance to slow nearby enemy players for a short period. | |
Ragdoll | Whenever you take damage you are pushed far back. | |
Rage | For every combo hit you land, your damage is multiplied by 1.1x | |
Ravenous | A chance to regain hunger. | |
Reality Inversion | In addition to an amplified version of the effects of Inversion, up to a 28% chance when hit to remove 1 Bleed stack. | |
Reflective Block | A high chance to greatly decrease or completely negate incoming damage while blocking, and to reflect an incoming attack back on the attacker whether you are blocking or not. | |
Reforged | Protects tool durability, items will take longer to break. | |
Reinforced Tank | Decreases Damage from enemy axes by 2.25% per level, this enchantment is stackable. | |
Repair Guard | Whenever you remove a low durability piece of armor to repair it, you will get up to 10 absorption hearts (depending on level) while you are fixing it. | |
Resilience | Increases HP of your NPC if you get combat logged by 15% per level. Also has a chance to negate 50% of damage from incoming attacks that would normally kill you. | |
Righteous Anti Gank | If more than 2 enemies hit you in a large period, your outgoing damage will be multiplied by up to 1.6x, or 2x if they are wielding a sword. | |
Robotic Ruse | When hit you have a chance to spawn robots that will inflict enemies with hunger and slowness. | |
Rocket Escape | Blast off into the air at low HP. | |
Rogue | Active soul enchant. Deal 1.5x damage if hitting your enemy from behind (enemies can be hit with Rogue once every 5 seconds). | |
Rot and Decay | Decay the world around you, increasingly damaging the health and durability of enemies standing on decayed blocks. Also spawns Rotten Corpses that deal massive durability damage to enemy players on contact. | |
Sabotage | An active soul enchantment that gives a chance to block an enemy players Rocket Escape and Guided Rocket Escape from activating. | |
Self Destruct | When close to death buffed TnT spawns around you. | |
Shackle | Prevents mobs spawned from mob spawners from suffering from knockback from your attacks. | |
Shadow Assassin | The closer you are to your enemy, the more damage you deal (up to 1.875x). However, if you are more than 2 blocks away, you will deal less damage than normal. | |
Shockwave | The chance to push back your attacker. | |
Silence | Chance to stop activation of your enemy's custom defensive enchants for a brief period of time. | |
Skill Swipe | A chance to steal some of your enemy's EXP every time you damage them. | |
Skilling | Increases mcMMO XP gained in all GATHERING skills while equipped. | |
Smoke Bomb | When you are near death, you will spawn a smoke bomb to distract your enemies. | |
Snare | Chance to slow and fatigue enemies with projectiles. | |
Sniper | Headshots with projectile deal up to 3.5x damage. | |
Solitude | Increases chance and length of the Silence enchantment procing on enemy players by up to 3X. | |
Soul Hardened | Up to 50% chance to block enemy soul trap, armor takes less durability damage. | |
Soul Master | Soul Enchants deal +(2 * level)% Outgoing Damage but cost +(10 * level)% more souls. | |
Soul Siphon | Proc'ing on outgoing damage events this enchant siphons souls and durability from enemies in large quantities! | |
Soul Tether | Active soul enchant. Chance to "tether" an enemy to you for 7s, massively decreasing enemy movement speed the further away they get from you. Affected player takes additional DMG the further away they are from you, up to 1.5x. Any damage you receive with an active tether is mirrored to your tethered enemy. When you do not have an active tether, +2% outdoing damage. | |
Soul Trap | Active soul enchant. Your axe is imbued with sealing magic, and has a chance to disable/negate all soul enchantments of your enemies on hit for (level x 4) seconds. | |
Spirit Link | Heals nearby faction/allies when you are damaged. | |
Spirits | Chance to spawn blazes that heal yourself and your allies in combat. | |
Springs | Gives jump boost. | |
Sticky | Decreases the chance of an enemy's Disarmor enchantment procing on you by 12.5% per level. At max level, you can never be disarmored. | |
Stormcaller | Strikes lightning on attacking players. | |
Tank | Decreases damage from enemy axes by 1.85% per level, this enchantment is stackable. | |
Target Tracking | Automatically /f focus any target you hit. | |
Teleblock | Active soul enchant. Your bow is enchanted with enderpearl blocking magic, damaged players will be unable to use enderpearls for up to 20 seconds, and will lose up to 15 enderpearls from their inventory. | |
Telepathy | Automatically places blocks broken by tools in your inventory. | |
Teleportation | When an ally or faction member is hit you teleport to them. | |
Thundering Blow | Can cause smite effect on your enemy. | |
Titan Trap | A chance to give a longer lasting buffed slowness effect. More resilient against metaphysical. | |
Tombstone | A chance to drop falling Anvils on nearby enemies, each anvil that lands on an enemy will inflict 10% Armor Durability damage, while also stunning and silencing them for 4 seconds. | |
Training | Increases mcMMO XP gained in all COMBAT skills while equipped. | |
Trap | A chance to give a buffed slowness effect. | |
Trickster | When hit you have a chance to teleport directly behind your opponent and take them by surprise. | |
Undead Ruse | When hit you have a chance to spawn zombie hordes to distract and disorient your opponents. | |
Unfocus | Chance to Unfocus target player, reducing their outgoing bow damage by 50% for up to 10 seconds. | |
Unrestrained Enrage | Deal stacking amounts of bonus outgoing damage when your HP is less than 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%. | |
Valor | Reduces incoming damage while wielding a sword by up to 22.5%. This enchantment is stackable. | |
Vampire | A chance to heal you for up to 3hp a few seconds after you strike. | |
Vampiric Devour | Normal devour mechanics plus a chance to regain health when attacking (does not stack with Lifesteal). | |
Vengeful Diminish | When this effect procs, the next attack dealt to you cannot deal more than the (took amount of damage/2) you took from the previous attack, any damage above this limit will be dealt to the attacker. (I.e if you're damaged for 2HP, the next attack cannot deal more than 1 HP of damage, while the attacker is damaged by 1HP). | |
Venom | A chance of dealing poison. | |
Virus | Multiplies all Wither and Poison damage the affected target receives and has a chance to remove regeneration effects on hit. | |
Voodoo | Gives a chance to deal weakness. | |
Wither | A chance to give the wither effect. |
2024-11-07 |
2020-07-31 |