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Top-down view of Killerz faction base from Void Map #2. Black box is the base while the surrounding gridlines are watered walls for defense (i.e., buffers). Image is checkerboarded to distinguish chunks.

A base is the main territory of a faction and constitutes all of their tangible assets (i.e., spawners, custom blocks, and loot). Bases are often protected by multiple layers of watered walls to lengthen or even prevent certain forms of raiding.

Claiming land

A claim is a 16×256×16 piece of land aligned to chunk coordinates. The terms chunk, claim, and land are often used interchangeably. A faction member can claim land for their faction by running /f claim, and using /f map to analyze nearby claims. Power determines the amount of chunks a faction can claim (run /f info to view power of your faction). It is possible for a faction to be in a state where they have more land than power. In this state, the faction remains vulnerable to overclaiming—a scenario where any outsider can seize land from the faction.

Claim types

A top-down view of faction claims rendered by /f map, showing the core claim (yellow), base claims (light green), and raid claims (dark green) of a faction.

Land claims are of four types—core, base, raid, and premium. A core claim is the first piece of land claimed by the faction, and determines location of the base. A core claim cannot be unclaimed without unclaiming all claims (i.e., by running /f unclaimall). Base claims are land that is connected to the core claim or other base claims. Raid claims are land disconnected from the base claim, and appear dark-green in /f map to distinguish them from base claims (which appear light-green). A raid claim is automatically unclaimed after 8 hours. This is unlike core and base claims which are persistent.

Premium claims are land claimed within a distance of ≤ 3 chunks from the warzones in overworld or the nether. Unlike other kinds of claims, premium claims are a weekly rental and are priced relative to their distance from the warzone. Failure to pay timely rent will automatically unclaim the land, immediately leaving the claim unprotected and up for grab by any outside faction. Run /f showpremiumclaims to view due rent.

Rental Prices of Premium Claims
Distance Price
1 chunk (i.e., connected to warzone) $1,500,000 + ($500,000 weekly increment)
2 chunks $1,125,000 + ($375,000 weekly increment)
3 chunks $750,000 + ($250,000 weekly increment)

Claim transformation

The type of a claim is largely determined by its connectivity (except for a core claim). When a base claim disconnects from its core claim, it is immediately transformed into a raid claim. This can happen from unclaiming land (i.e., by running /f unclaim). Likewise, a raid claim turns into a base claim upon being connected to another base claim. This makes raid and base claims volatile. On the contrary, core and premium claims remain non-transformable.

Permission labels

Hierarchical evaluation of faction label permissions, starting with the label with the highest priority, and falling back to default (pre-configured) permissions. For every label, player permission is evaluated first, followed by role permissions, and finally faction permissions.

A label is a collection of terrain permissions for players, member roles, and other friendly factions. Labels can be assigned to specific claims. Labels can be configured using the /f label command.

Labels consist of 6 properties—a name (unique), a priority value (default: 0), an auto-set toggle (default: false), a collection of player permissions, a collection of role permissions, and a collection of faction permissions. Multiple labels can be assigned to one claim, in which case the label with the highest priority is evaluated first. Labels with auto-set toggle enabled are automatically applied to any new claims.

Permission collections are also known as permission groups. The 3 permission groups are: player · role · faction. When a player is applicable to multiple permission groups within a label, the player permission group takes priority, followed by role permissions, and lastly faction permissions.

Output from running /f label test to evaluate permissions of a player for a given chunk.

Running /f label create mylabel creates a label named mylabel. This label is ineffective by default. The label can be assigned to a specific chunk, to all chunks touching a chunk, or to all claimed chunks through /f label edit mylabel and heading to the Manage Claims section. The same panel also offers ways to rename, change priority, and set permissions for different players, roles, and factions. Permissions in a given chunk for a given player (whether online or offline) can be tested by standing in the chunk and running /f label test <player>.

A permission can be given one of 3 values—allow, deny, and default. If a permission is set to default, the label is effectively ignored and the next label is evaluated. If a label with a non-default value (i.e., allow or deny) is not found, then default (i.e., hardcoded) role permission are used as fallback, and apply only to members of the faction.

Permission Description Default Roles
Permission Description Default Roles
Break and Place Dispensers Ability to break and place dispensers
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
Break Blocks Ability to break blocks
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
Break Spawners Ability to break Spawners
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
Break String Ability to break String
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
Place Blocks Ability to place blocks
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
Place Spawners Ability to place Spawners
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
Place String Ability to place String
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
Set Home Ability to /sethome
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
  • Recruit
Use Buttons Ability to use buttons
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
Use Containers Ability to open containers
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
Use Creeper Eggs Ability to use Creeper Eggs
  • Leader
Use Doors Ability to use Doors
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
Use Levers Ability to use levers
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
Use Obsidian Ability to use Obsidian
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
Use Sponges &amp; Chunk Busters Ability to break/place Chunk Busters
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader
  • Moderator
  • Member
Use TNT Ability to use TNT
  • Leader
  • Co-Leader



Tips & Tricks


  • Faction: Upon death, players cannot teleport back to raid claims for 15 seconds
  • Pressure Plate: Mechanism is now disabled in raid claims
  • Gen Bucket: Increased speed of sand gen buckets when used in raid claims
  • Faction: base claims will combat-tag players for 30s instead of 15s
  • Faction: claims >35 chunks away from core will automatically be considered a raid claim (previously all claims connected to core were considered base claim)
  • Faction: raid claims appear dark-green in /f map (previously green colored)
  • Faction: raid claims expire after 8 hours (previously 24 hours)
  • Reverse Layers are limited to 10 per base.
  • Sand walls need to be limited to one per chunk. A total of 20 in max buffer!
  • /f claim can be used to establish raid claims regardless of distance from other factions' core chunks. The 20-chunk limitation will still exist but will only apply to core-core claims.
  • Excluding premium claims, land can no longer be /f claim-ed 17 chunks within any other faction's core claim.
  • Factions will still be able to over-claim other faction claims within 17 chunk radius from other faction's core claim.
  • Over-claimed land in the 17 chunk radius cannot be re-claimed by any faction other than the faction owning the core claim.
  • Base Size Limit: A maximum base size limitation has been implemented in to the rules. The max base size for all factions will be limited to 15×15 chunks from this point onwards. With that said, typical buffer defenses will not be permitted within the faction base.
  • Buffer Size Limit: A maximum buffer size limitation has been implemented in to the rules. The max buffer size for all faction bases is 20 chunks. This is 320 blocks in each direction and is measured from the exterior wall of the base and does not include the base itself.